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Religion - Lieux de culte

Votre recherche : Religion - Lieux de culte ➔ 7803 résultats

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Église de Dieu en Christ, mennonite

Religion - Lieux de culte
Leo - Burkina Faso
The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, is a relatively small church among the various denominations known as Mennonites. We endeavor to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles in all matters of faith and practice.
Dialo - Burkina Faso
The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, is a relatively small church among the various denominations known as Mennonites. We endeavor to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles in all matters of faith and practice.

Les sociétés de la catégorie "Religion - Lieux de culte" "en Afrique" ont recueilli

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