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BP 2145
Niamey - Niger

1 avis d'utilisateur

John John
Hotel Moustache Quartier Avenue de La Liberté Central Niamey Niger revue. Stayed there for 4 months back in 2015. A head down for the night back to basics budget adventure hotel in Central Niamey owned by an Nigerien eccentric who is caught up in complicated tribal inheritance laws that prevents him/ them from selling and as a result naturally the hotel is tired where nothing is ever quite as it seems where nothing ever happens quite as it is supposed to. Sometimes under hilarious circumstances. Friendly enough though and for the money there is no room for complaint. I got used to it and almost had the run of the place. Discounts available if you pay a month in advance. But subject to revision at anytime. Rating out of of 5 would give it a 1.5. Would I stay there again yes. Eating nearby "Chez Yasso" and "Baobab" recommended for an ethnic culinary experience.

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1 avis d'utilisateur